Post by Alan CoreyWell, that's why I stick with Pis, because they're easy and fast
enough. You could look into debootstrap if you feel like an adventure. I
did it once on a phone. Or maybe you should use cdebootstrap
Drivers for specific hardware will probably be an issue with the
Rockchips unless they're now available from Debian. Maybe you can add
a Rockchip repository to your /etc/apt/sources.list or enter it as
part of the installation process.
I think you just choose arm64 by using the --arch=ARCH option when you
start debootstrap.
I don't know of a ready to go image, sorry.
Thats what I was afraid of. All of the rt-preempt or rtai flavor kernels
for the pi have a dangerous, very nasty habit, I think because
everything BUT the SPI has to fight the traffic jam at the single
internal usb-2 port everything else has to use as a path to the
inside/outside porthole. This is nuts, but its boot dependent in that if
you find yourself with an unusable keyboard/mouse, it can usually be 99%
fixed with another reboot or 4. When its iffy, it just throws away
random events from either device, so if it misses a keyup, it leaves the
machine moving until you can hit another key or make another mouse click
to get its attention. That can be a right pain in the ass when the
machine has several horsepower, breaking tooling or whatever it hits.
The rock64, which has enough ram, and is many times faster than the pi's,
perhaps 50x at times, gets rid of all those problems. But I can't just
swap it out because the kernels SPI is glaciaLLy slow, the pi's runs 4x
faster with a userspace driver, skipping the kernel's module altogether.
And the machine interface is an SPI port carved out of gpio. It needs to
write 32 bit packets at 42 megabaud, and read the same 32 bit replies
from the interface card at 25 megabaud to duplicate the pi's
performance. I am told the kernels SPI is maxed out at about 10
megabaud. That won't get the job done. So I wait, till the support
arrives. And there doesn't appear to be any real interest, sadly.
Thanks for the update. Its not what I wanted to read, but it is what it
Post by Alan CoreyPost by Gene HeskettGreetings folks;
I asked about arm64 support about a month back and basically got a
not much answer. I have a pair of the 4GB rockchip rock64's that I'd
love to replace a pi3b with.
I tried to update the kernel from one of ayufan's repo's yesterday,
seeing an initramfs error go by as it was being updated, and bricked
that sd card, getting several kernel panic reports as it fails to
boot now.
So I am wondering where I should go looking for an arm64 image to
install if there actually is one now?
Cheers, Gene Heskett
soap, ballot, jury, and ammo. Please use in that order."
-Ed Howdershelt (Author)
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Cheers, Gene Heskett
The above content, added by Maurice E. Heskett, is Copyright 2018 by
Maurice E. Heskett.
"There are four boxes to be used in defense of liberty:
soap, ballot, jury, and ammo. Please use in that order."
-Ed Howdershelt (Author)
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